25. International puppet Festival "Golden Sparkle"

Kragujevac, 15th-20th May, 2023.


Dear colleagues,

We are pleased to inform you that the 25. International puppet Festival "Golden Sparkle" will be held from 15th-20th May, 2023 in Kragujevac, Serbia.

The festival is competitive, and it is only for puppet performances. The International Professional Juru, according to artistic value will give the statuette and plaquettes "Golden Sparkle".

Statuette "Golden Sparkle" will be given for the best play

  • Gran Prix

Plaquette "Golden Sparkle" will be given for the:

  • best direction
  • best scenary
  • best stage design
  • best puppet design
  • best original music and
  • five equal aword for the best actor

General Manager of Festival

Jelena Stojanović-Patrnogić