Dana Adonova
Directed by:  
Veselin Bodjev
Set Design, puppets and costume:  
Кrum Krumov
Puppet Master:  
Petar Cekurov
Puppet Asisstant:  
Neli Тomakcieva
Bora Dugic


Мilos Milovanovic, Milomir Rakic, Darija Nesic, Nevena Brzakovic, Dubravka Djordjevic, Petar Lukic


Recomended for children: 6+
Duration: 55 minutes

Even though in the subtitle it says that the play is based on the Serbian National Customs of White Sunday the story goes much further. It is best described in the books by Marija Todorova, especially in "Imagining Balkans" The Balkans is not geographically, nominally, historically nor culturally defined and that is why people can imagine. Todorova says that some refer to the "Imagining Balkans" and Balkanism , as a place of multiculturalism while others use it as a metaphor for post-communism and for post modernism. Music and the motions of the Serbian, Romanian, Bulgarian tradition tell this love story. No one can tell with certainty what Balkans is and that is why it is the only place where stories can be told.