Text/ Julia Sandor and Jaša Koceli
Direction/ Jaša Koceli

Scenography/ Darjan M. Cerar

Composer/ Miha Petric

Shoreographer/ Tajda Podobnik

Costume designer/ Branka Pavlič

Light designer/  Klemen Kuhar

Photo/ Mankica Kranjec


Darija Vulić

Milica Vraneš

Ljubica Radomirović / Aleksandra Arizanović

Duration: 80 min.

Age: 12+

Premiere: 9.10.2024.

We are taught to think of the Amayons as mythical warriors of ancient times, which can be simultaneously strong, independent, murderous and desirable, as if supernatural a society of powerful women woven from the threads of imagination. But what if they were real?

Scientific discoveries in recent decades have confirmed the existence of a large number of female warriors nomadic tribes from two and a half millennia ago.

The production of Amazons is a theatrical archeology in which the creators combine myths and legends of the Caucasian peoples with preserved records of famous women warriors from ancient Greece.